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Welcome to Austin, Please don't move here.

Well, after catching up on about a week’s worth of sleep I feel more human again and less hobo (even though that line was very much blurred in Austin, where the bums looked like Brooklyn hipsters). Anyways, I am back on track and ready to tell you about my SXSW adventures in one of the weirdest cities I have ever been to, Austin, Texas.

We arrived last Tuesday and began our day with coffee and tacos which turned out to become a daily ritual for the week. We did a lot of walking and dancing and saw a ton of good shows, ran into some old friends and made some really cool new ones.

This is our little travel group on day 1 with me on the far right. I have a talent for talking to people while they are taking pictures I am in.

Of course I hung out with CMRTYZ who sold their awesome shirts and threw some wild parties

Pretty sweet eh?

Portals. We ate A LOT of hot dogs.

and also, this. When in Texas…

This is us sitting on the curb outside Spin, thinking about why we weren’t cool enough to get into the Fiona Apple show.


One of us got a free tattoo at the Sailor Jerry’s trailer with the band members of The Growlers (don’t worry Alex, I won’t say who)

Little Tribe Pow, who sang with Mansion on the Moon at SXSW.

For a minute we were teleported back to the 80’s when our friend showed up with this bumble bee. Yes, that happened.

I also noticed a bit of a shirt an hat trend down there!

And then I met this kid, whose name is OBEY.

This is it for now, will be back soon.






Mon, Mar 26 2012

Welcome to Austin, Please don't move here.