*Start Drumroll*
Yes. It’s almost time for another edition of the mighty SLEAZEFEST. My friends of zZz managed to put a great bill of bands together. Next Saturday, Plekk in Amsterdam will be the stage for another execution with bands like: PowerSolo,
King Automatic, Steal Shit Do Drugs and my favorites Charlie and the Lesbians.

Sleazefest started in the summer of 1999, on a farm close to Amsterdam, where a guy arranged a bbq for his friends and wanted to jam with the two bands he played in. Someone got word of it and asked if he could play with his band too… and another one… and another one..till the bill was full. 8 bands rocked till dawn the next morning. Cheap booze, various stimulants, and sleazy rock’n’roll were celebrated till late in the afternoon the next day.
A tradition was born. Since then I’ve been to almost all editions as a visitor or playing shows myself. I’ve shared stage with the best bands around (the holy SAINTS and the Black Lips), got terribly drunk and discovered dozens of great bands I had never heard of.
So see you next saturday. Until then get in the mood with this Sleazefest playlist and the pictures below.

pic by Fuige Fem.