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  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120


Meet Scarlett Dancer – an artist and jewelry maker and creator of, Mercury Hour – made for “Psychedelic, Biker, Witch Babes”.
She joins us for our latest OBEY Artists Series for Fall 17. Scarlett’s work evokes the mystical and gritty world’s she exists between – filled with mythical animals, depictions of nature, demons, mushrooms, and magic.

The first piece of work I ever made was actually a wire choker that had a little pentagram charm that I engraved hanging off of it. My high school had a really amazing jewelry program and from there, I started apprenticing, doing lost wax casting, soldering, and enameling. I really honed those abilities for that type of work because I could NOT draw. I could not figure out how to get from the three-dimensional world into the two-dimensional world, it was just so beyond me.

Finally one day I just decided to stop making excuses for myself. I sat down and started drawing hands non-stop and then anything that I could figure out how to draw, I would just draw multiple, multiple times until I could figure out ways to draw other things. Eventually, I went to Pratt for college and I started doing these huge 2 X 5”, 4 x 5” and 8 x 5” large relief carvings. I would just print these beautiful tapestries of these images that I would create, but I kept feeling like there was no true backstory behind them. You create these visuals that are just stunning, but what do they really mean?

So I decided to sit down and write an entire backstory to all of my work. Since I originally couldn’t draw anything from this world, I decided to kind of create a world of my own. So with the OBEY Artist Series, the inspiration for those pieces comes from that. It comes from this different dimension full of mystical, magical, crazy, evil, wild stuff, and you know it’s just so great because when you create this identity of your own in this world of your own there’s really nothing that can be to out of the box, or be too weird or too strange to draw because the rules are your own.

My work and style are very intricate, I love being able to draw a piece that (and make jewelry pieces too) people have to kind of look twice at. Because you never know what you’re going to see next. You never know when you’re gonna look at it again and find something new inside of that image that you didn’t even see there before, just hiding all these little tiny details into everything.

Working with OBEY was completely magical. The team is so fantastic, the quality of the materials of the clothing is just so great, all the distressed materials too are fantastic. The way that everything is printed is just immaculate. I couldn’t have asked for anything better, and I’m endlessly grateful to be a part of this and to have worked with such a fantastic team. ” – Scarlett Carolyn Dancer.

See Scarlett’s Artist Series collection here and find more of her work at Find her on Instagram at @mercuryhour.