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For those of you that look at the OBEY Clothing blog and live outside the U.S., I say to you… “Hey Man, How’s the weather?… oh yeah? That’s cray-cray.” Shieet, sorry.. It’s been quite a month of May for me, and I’m gearing up to head back out to Europe. This little message to you is to let you know that if you’re in the area, you may wanna check these things out. Not because I say you should, but because it might be something you’re sorta into.

Next Saturday, May 28th we’ve got a pretty nice sized thing brewing up called OBEY RADIO WARSAW (in Poland). I’ve never been, and I’m super excited to hang, put up some art, and play music with some fellow Polskis. Also, I’m excited to feature the Revolutions Art Set from big boss man so I’m guess-timating that it’s gonna pop-awf like it’s 2012. This one’s official.

Oh and hey, the following week (June 3rd, 4th, and 5th), fellow OBEY USA-ian, DJ Pubes a.k.a. Ship Wrecked a.k.a. Steven Ter-nos-tank, will be joining me in Moscow, Russia for a different event all together, but somewhat in the same light. OBEY RADIO MOSCOW will be featured within the FACES & LACES show, which is an up-and-coming event for all things “Artsy” in the country. We’re very excited to be apart of this, and again, if you somehow happen to be in the area and wanna party with Uncle Pubes and Cousin Roam, join us. It should be oodles of fun. More updates soon about this event soon!

And for those that are stuck in the U.S., more specifically, Santa Ana… We’ve still got OBEY Radio happening every Friday at The Crosby!

I Love you and safe travels,


Wed, May 18 2011

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