Sorry for the delay on posting about our time in Paris. Its been a pretty hectic trip thus far, dealing with late shipments, weather and all kinds of other fun crapola. Im going to have to spilt my post into two separate ones sense a lot has been going down and playing catch up.
Following up from my last post, we hit a snag when two of the crates *which held all of the mural materials – that were supposed to be delivered before we arrived, somehow went in the wrong directions. That being said we made the best of it and got a jump start on setting up the gallery, which luckily those showed up.

Quick photoshoot for the local French paper

blue steel — hmmmmm

1 of 3 murals we’re knocking out while we’re here. -Earth Crisis- have to wait to show you a finished shot.

putting in some work

lighting was good, so took the opportunity to update Shep’s portrait

done here for the day, trying to find our way back to the hotel. Little look of Paris before I get to the next post of the Delicate Balance mural and all that fun we had.

Coming up! Its not so sunny in Paris.