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  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

Laboris Day

I did alot of stuff this weekend but as usual was too stupid to take a lot of pictures. Friday night’s Obey Radio at the Crosby was a stone groove. Romes, where you at with some pics? Saturday I got wild over at Fuck Yeah Fest in LA. Hat’s off to Sean, Keith Morris and the dudes behind this event. Every year it gets bigger and bigger but always delivers with a great lineup. Ahhh just google for some pics but here’s the website FYF. Everyone from Converge and Dillinger Escape Plan who I haven’t seen since college to Lightning Bolt, No Age, Black Lips, The Thermals… You get the picture, there were tons of good bands.

Skip to Monday. I got talked into having a BBQ. A super nerdy DJ session occurred and I attempted to record it. More news on that later I guess. In the house was DJ Anonymous from Finland, DJ Fashen, Thee Mike B, Dirty Dave from the gutter I think, Haycock from the Do Over, Velocity B, Omar Doom movie star extraordinaire from Inglorious Basterds (go see it so Omar can focus on his music career), Dark Alley from Ass & Titties, Glenjamn, TK Disko from 40 Thieves, Chip from the Double Fisted crew, the infamous Waldo and a whole lot more.

I present the PUBE-BQ ALLSTARS!

It was a kid friendly event with Ras MIKE B on the mic. GLENJAMN on the lense. Row de boat!


See you all next year, now get out of my house.

There’s about 30 people missing in this photo getting me in trouble by having bottles of liquor at the pool. You’re all invited back next year too.