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  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120



Though tickets didn’t sell out, this years FYF Fest was considerably more comfortable than the previous with thinner crowds and cool SoCal weather during both nights. With additional Metro Lines open to cater to the massive crowds heading to and from FYF, transportation was easy and inexpensive. For about $7 a day, it was as simple as parking at your nearest train station and getting shuttled straight to the festival. The drop off location at Exposition Blvd was only a block away from the entrance, making the journey to the festival quite convenient. On day one security was relaxed so getting in took as little as 5 minutes. Once day two rolled around, security was beefed up, which is to be expected after the previous night of securing over 20,000 attendants in full party mode. At one point during the evening, I even saw a young kid pass out from heat exhaustion right in front of me during a performance, but luckily medics were at her side in less than a few minutes. The security level overall was as expected and made for a safer experience, which I’m all for.

Production on the stages was impressive, with incredible lighting, visuals and even massive video screens projecting the performances for those further back in the audience. My only issue was the sound mixing for a few of the stages. Some performances lacked bass to the kick drum and really killed the energy. I like my beats loud. I want to feel the music through my body when I see it live. But that’s just me.

All in all, FYF Fest 2015 was a pretty cool experience for me. Though I was pretty bummed when I heard that Frank Ocean dropped out of the lineup last minute, at least we got to see Yeezus do his thing in front of a building size wall of lights, dance our asses off to Flume’s surprise guests, and trip out to Purity Ring’s psychedelic meltdown. Those were just some of the highlights at the fest, but all of the performances were incredible as well. We were lucky enough to catch some of the best performances of this years FYF Fest.


Check out our coverage of this years 2-day music party at the Los Angeles Colliseum:


Toro Y Moi ++


The Drums **






Dinosaur JR **









Flume ++



Savages **



FKA Twigs ++






Chet Faker **



Block Party **



Photos compliments of Taylor Wong ** from Janky Smooth and Sean Gutierrez++ (Thanks guys!)