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  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

Born free at a Comune.........

The stars aligned last weekend for me as multiple bike shows went off on the same day here behind the orange curtain. Hat’s off to Classic CyclesMatt of Born Loser , Harpoon and Grant of Chopped Out and all the people behind the Born Free show. This thing was a huge success and the collection of bikes that rolled out provided hours of visual simuli. As the afernoon wound down everyone kicked their bikes to life and blazed on over to Frank and Sven’s Comune bash which was also based around their love for bikes. Frank brought aboard one of our long time friends Mr. Nelson Kanno to curate the nights rolling art and Adam Wrights photography. Feast your eyes on the goods……


Gilby Clarke, Will and “TheNutz” all paint done by Harpoon…..


Harpoon mugging with a small sampling of his paint work…..


Welcome to The Comune…..


Superfreak in all it’s glory from none other than Chopper Dave


The photography of Adam Wright….

Shinya Kimura of Chabbott Engineering always flipping the script on bike building….


Trevelen slaying it with his build….


and that’s a wrap, thanks for peeping…….
