I hate using this term, but fuck it! Here is a #FBF of my first trip to NYC for Shepard’s E PLURIBUS VENOM show at Jonathan Levine Gallery back in 2007. It was originally going to be a vacation for me or at least I thought, but ended up being the start to my documentary duties for Shep. Here’s a little run down of the trip and other random shit that happened:
Roam’s and I took the red eye and most likely were still drunk when we finally made it into the city. Our First order of business was to hit the town and find a tasty McMuffin to soak up whatever alcohol was left. While walking around town, we came across this Icon / Toxic Inspector paste up, which turned out to be my first OBEY photograph.

Immediately after this, we almost got arrested for thinking it was okay to drink while walking around. Thanks Roams!

Onto the opening reception in Dumbo

Right after this shot, some crazy asshole came in throwing stink bombs or whatever and basically cleared out the place. I believe he got arrested and it made the news. After parties!


next day went looking for Annie

I think these ladies were as well

Later that night was the opening at Jonathan Levine Gallery.

Feeling how we did when we first arrived, our last day was mostly trekking around seeing the sights.

This shot from Brooklyn turned out to be my first photo tee every printed. What can I say, I got lucky.

Good bye NEW YORK!