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  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120


We teamed up with CMRTYZ, previous OBEY Artist Series collaborators, to sponsor their party in Austin at SXSW this year. Check the extra classy lineup! Make sure to pick up a shirt we did down there too. The fellas will also be guest blogging as the show approaches so stay tuned for that!

CMRTYZ present the SiiickXSW for the second year in a row.

Unnofficial, no RSVPs, no tickets, no passes, no wristbands. CMRTYZ presents SIIICKXSW, 4 days of parties in Austin, TX.

Totally sick party time with a bunch of cheep beer and no bullshit rock n roll punk rock garage and psych bands.


March 14th the HOZAC party at CHEER UP CHARLIES

March 15th the warehouse pool party with CASTLEFACE

March 16th is our big fun, two stages at CHEER UP CHARLIES

March 17th we’re throwin’ our DRAYAAG PARTY with BURGER RECORDS at the IRON BEAR

American Sharks // Sam Flax // Royal Baths // Heavy Times // Las Adrillas // dead ghosts // Habibi // grave babies // chains of love // detective agency // Magnetix // Coasting // blasted canyons // oh sees // bare wires // Gardens // k-holes // the mallard // x-ray eyeballs //guantanamo baywatch // Spiked Punch // My Goodness // Mannequin Men // Mujeres // Pharmacy // Ziskis // Vomettes // Pangea // Audacity // Blue Jungle // Chapter 24 // Carletta sue //Vockah redu // These Are Words // Football // Tropical Punk // Sweet Tooth // Shark Toys // The Band in Heaven // The Ketamines // G. Green // Fungi Girls // Night beats // Bosca Delray // Far Out Fangtooth // White Fence // TacocaT // King Tuff // Slow Dance // Teens


join the event on FB to stay updated and get per day line ups and set times
its the ONLY way to be in the know!