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  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

  • Free US shipping on all orders over $120

Glen E. Friedman

GO Campaign improves the lives of orphans and vulnerable children around the world by partnering with local heroes to deliver local solutions. GO Campaign connects donors to high-impact grassroots projects aimed at changing lives and transforming communities, one child at a time.

After vetting our partners to make sure they meet our grant-making criteria, the most important thing we do is LISTEN. We never go into a community and tell them their school needs a library or their children need better food or cleaner water – we let them tell us what they need and we listen as they explain what impact fulfilling that need will have. We then brainstorm with them about the best way forward. They know best the needs of their community and we want to help them achieve their dreams and goals. That’s why the projects we support vary greatly – because the needs and priorities of children are different everywhere we GO.


In addition to giving these children the opportunities they deserve, our mission is also to give our donors, people like you, the opportunity to connect and make a difference. We give you the chance to donate to the project of your choice, to receive follow-up reports on progress and even go and visit a project if you can. You are part of the solution equation and by cutting out the red tape and waste associated with many of the larger aid organizations, we present you with the opportunity to have lasting impact on children’s lives. In this way, GO Campaign offers you a diverse portfolio of investment opportunities and there’s no investment more worthy of our attention than the future of children everywhere.

Importantly, 100% of general public donations fund our grant-making to benefit local heroes. This is possible because private donors and sponsors cover our general administrative and fundraising costs. Their investment enables us to grow as an organization and thus be in a position to help more children. Your decision to donate today has the power to begin changing children’s ives tomorrow.


Education and Vocation Training — From new school construction or expansion to new program development, we ensure marginalized youth have access to primary or secondary education as well as non-formal education and vocational training.

Health and Safety — We raise community health standards by increasing access to medical services, nutritional meals, as well supporting programs to prevent all forms of abuse affecting youth.

Care for Orphans — We support orphanages and programs addressing the basic needs of orphans and vulnerable children throughout the world to provide greater opportunity for the children to thrive.

Enrichment — We fund programs that go the extra mile in enriching the mind, body and spirit of vulnerable children. Geography – We desire geographic diversity when selecting grantees and strive to ensure a variety of communities across the globe benefit from our support.

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